
Top Florida Cities by Growth: An Analysis of Diversity, Crime, Ownership, and More

Top Florida Cities by Growth: An Analysis of Diversity, Crime, Ownership, and More

Examining the Top Three Cities and their Performance Across Eight Key Categories After analyzing 44 Florida cities with a population over 65,000, Doral, Homestead, and Kissimmee emerged as the top cities, ranking in the top five across four out of eight growth categories. The City of Miami also performed well,...

Unraveling Growth Potential in Tallahassee

Unraveling Growth Potential in Tallahassee

Understanding Buildable Areas and Residential Unit Limitations Many developers face disappointment when trying to maximize the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for multifamily projects, as the number of units allowed often falls short of the potential buildable area. It is imperative to understand the specific zoning regulations before investing. What is...

A Vision of Miami's Future Density Trajectory and the Impressive Growth of Edgewater

A Vision of Miami's Future Density Trajectory and the Impressive Growth of Edgewater

Exploring Miami's future density expansion patterns. We have determined the city's future density trajectory by analyzing Miami's existing and potential densities. Our visualizations indicate that Miami's density will become more concentrated downtown while also expanding towards the north and west. Overview of Edgewater: a Miami north downtown neighborhood. Located north...

Predicting Future Urbanization

Predicting Future Urbanization

Revealing the future of Florida's urban growth in a buildable area analysis. By digitizing the total buildable area across five Florida cities, we can compare current and future building density intensity and location. This visualization uncovers the direction of future growth. This week's series will dive deeper into predicting development...

The Importance of Sea Level Rise

The Importance of Sea Level Rise

​​If you missed Deepblocks' live webinar last week, you can watch the recording here. In the webinar, Michael Covone and Olivia Ramos discuss the potential impact of sea level rise on investment decisions....

The Complexity of Zoning Data and the Potential of Advanced Technology

The Complexity of Zoning Data and the Potential of Advanced Technology

Understanding the Importance of Complete and Accurate Zoning Information for Real Estate Development and Property Ownership Digitization and automatic zoning calculation are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to provide accurate and consistent development insight at scale. Traditional collection and dissemination of zoning methods are often manual and prone to...

Public vs Private Real Estate Investing feat. Ehson Kolb

Public vs Private Real Estate Investing feat. Ehson Kolb

Are there any real estate Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) that encompass homebuilders, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), technology companies, and their supporting ecosystem? If you didn't have a chance to catch it, check out last week's webinar where Michael Covone engages in a conversation with Ehson Kolb....

Correlations between Construction and Economics

Correlations between Construction and Economics

In case you missed last week’s LinkedIn Live webinar, we’ve posted the video here. In case you missed it, here is last week’s interview in Michael Covone’s weekly webinar. We discuss potential correlations between construction activity and market economics. Sign up for our weekly webinars on LinkedIn Live!...

Developer Case Study: Mixed-Use in Medellin, Colombia

Developer Case Study: Mixed-Use in Medellin, Colombia

Using Deepblocks Developer, we can go worldwide and generate a new construction project analysis. Today we look at Medellin, Colombia. As an architecture student, I relished the opportunity to reshape the world. However, upon entering the practice, I was met with the harsh reality that my role was not to...

Hundreds of commercial development sites with buildable areas between 50,000 and 500,000 SF in Fort Worth’s tract 1237.

Hundreds of commercial development sites with buildable areas between 50,000 and 500,000 SF in Fort Worth’s tract 1237.

With the second fastest economic growth, Fort Worth's tract has plenty of room for new development. Downtown Fort Worth has loads of development capacity. We adjusted the Deepblocks’ search for properties with less than 3,000 square feet. For this exercise, we considered these vacant. Then we searched for the allowable...

Three hundred sixty-one homes near downtown Fort Worth are nearly 100 years old.

Three hundred sixty-one homes near downtown Fort Worth are nearly 100 years old.

Fort Worth tract 1038.00, near downtown, has 797 homes built between 1900 and 1960s. There are numerous old houses with tons of character, great structures, and solid foundations. When I looked into tract 1038.00 in Fort Worth, I found the following opportunities: 797 houses built before 1960 and 361 built...

Median income from 2013 to 2020 in downtown Fort Worth.

Median income from 2013 to 2020 in downtown Fort Worth.

Some of Fort Worth's downtown tracts' median income has doubled in seven years. Fort Worth’s downtown tracts 1237.00 and 1038.00 are in the top five of economic growth. I used the Deepblocks dynamic layers to see how median income changed from 2013 to 2020. This feature helps create investment narratives...

Showing 49 - 60 of 86 posts