
Unraveling Growth Potential in Tallahassee

Unraveling Growth Potential in Tallahassee

Understanding Buildable Areas and Residential Unit Limitations Many developers face disappointment when trying to maximize the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for multifamily projects, as the number of units allowed often falls short of the potential buildable area. It is imperative to understand the specific zoning regulations before investing. What is...

A Vision of Miami's Future Density Trajectory and the Impressive Growth of Edgewater

A Vision of Miami's Future Density Trajectory and the Impressive Growth of Edgewater

Exploring Miami's future density expansion patterns. We have determined the city's future density trajectory by analyzing Miami's existing and potential densities. Our visualizations indicate that Miami's density will become more concentrated downtown while also expanding towards the north and west. Overview of Edgewater: a Miami north downtown neighborhood. Located north...

Predicting Future Urbanization

Predicting Future Urbanization

Revealing the future of Florida's urban growth in a buildable area analysis. By digitizing the total buildable area across five Florida cities, we can compare current and future building density intensity and location. This visualization uncovers the direction of future growth. This week's series will dive deeper into predicting development...

The Importance of Sea Level Rise

The Importance of Sea Level Rise

​​If you missed Deepblocks' live webinar last week, you can watch the recording here. In the webinar, Michael Covone and Olivia Ramos discuss the potential impact of sea level rise on investment decisions....

The Complexity of Zoning Data and the Potential of Advanced Technology

The Complexity of Zoning Data and the Potential of Advanced Technology

Understanding the Importance of Complete and Accurate Zoning Information for Real Estate Development and Property Ownership Digitization and automatic zoning calculation are becoming increasingly popular for their ability to provide accurate and consistent development insight at scale. Traditional collection and dissemination of zoning methods are often manual and prone to...

Exploring the Racial Distribution of Major Cities in Florida

Exploring the Racial Distribution of Major Cities in Florida

An Analysis of Population Demographics in Miami, Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa, and Tallahassee. The data on race distribution in Florida's major cities reveal interesting patterns. For instance, the more north you go in Florida, the lower the percentage of Hispanic residents in the major cities. Meanwhile, Orlando has a more evenly...

Unlocking Development Potential in Major Florida Cities: The Case for Affordable Housing

Unlocking Development Potential in Major Florida Cities: The Case for Affordable Housing

Analyzing Development Capacity and Growth Potential to Address Housing Issues Major cities in Florida possess considerable development capacity, signifying that new construction is entirely feasible. Even considering existing building inventory, the development delta indicates that these cities have ample growth potential. Why is development capacity relevant for affordable housing? This...

Exploring the Floor Area Ratios of Major Cities in Florida

Exploring the Floor Area Ratios of Major Cities in Florida

Analyzing the Relationship between Development Patterns and Growth Potential The floor area ratio (FAR) is a crucial metric that measures the amount of a building's floor area relative to the land it occupies. A high FAR suggests vertical development, while a low FAR implies more horizontal development. Can we compare...

Public vs Private Real Estate Investing feat. Ehson Kolb

Public vs Private Real Estate Investing feat. Ehson Kolb

Are there any real estate Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) that encompass homebuilders, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), technology companies, and their supporting ecosystem? If you didn't have a chance to catch it, check out last week's webinar where Michael Covone engages in a conversation with Ehson Kolb....

Trading Real Estate Like Stocks: The Power of Dynamic Market Insights

Trading Real Estate Like Stocks: The Power of Dynamic Market Insights

Unlocking the Potential of Investment Strategy with Deepblocks PRO Deepblocks PRO is more than just zoning data - it's a platform leading the charge toward automated real estate investment. With its vast market insights, Deepblocks PRO offers a unique approach to real estate analysis, moving closer to how stocks are...

The Connection between Homeownership and Crime Trends in Major Florida Cities

The Connection between Homeownership and Crime Trends in Major Florida Cities

A Closer Look at the Correlations between Ownership and Crime in Small and Large Cities Our analysis of the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area revealed correlations between city size, homeownership, and crime trends. Larger cities have less crime when more people own property. Inversely, small cities have less crime with decreasing...

Miami's High Population Density and Sharp Decline in Crime Outshines Other Florida Cities

Miami's High Population Density and Sharp Decline in Crime Outshines Other Florida Cities

Comparing Population Density and Crime across five major Florida Cities. Astonishing Findings: The City of Miami's high population density and a sharp decline in crime outshine Tampa, Orlando, Tallahassee, and Jacksonville. This is a remarkable accomplishment. From 2012 to 2018, Miami nearly cut crime in half while increasing its density....

Showing 133 - 144 of 219 posts