
Can industrial warehouses and residential zoning coexist?

It is inevitable and the only way to fulfill the expectations of nearly instant delivery times. The only way to speed up delivery times is to bring the warehouses closer to our homes. 

I recently purchased an exercise machine for my home gym. I could have ordered it on Amazon, but the brand offered perks, and I thought, why not. Amazon would have delivered it in two days. I waited 15 days, and it was unbearable.

What does development look like when the future of e-commerce is instant?

At Deepblocks, we believe buildings must adapt to the demands of our cities, our lifestyles, and our desires. It is what supply is all about. If we want instant delivery of everything, warehouse proximity, 3D printing, and teleportation are the only imaginable options.

With the silence of robotics and sound buffers, there is no reason why the core of our buildings can’t be giant warehouses. It would create shallower units, which translates into more natural light and affordability since warehouse premiums can offset rents.

Cities can incentivize affordable housing by only allowing urban warehouses cladded with affordable units. 

Do zoning ordinances allow for Multifamily and Industrial Mixed-Use today?

Yes, industrial and multifamily uses are allowed in many cities, by right, and within the same zones. Most people are unaware of this. Converging these two uses is a fantastic opportunity and potential precedent for a new architectural typology of warehouse-driven commerce. 

In the Miami Zoning Map and the Chicago Zoning Map, I recently looked up examples of zones that allow for industrial and multifamily.

Miami Zoning Map: 490 parcels that allow industrial and at least one residential units.

Chicago Zoning Map: 188 parcels that allow for industrial and at least 200 residential units.

More will be revealed,

Olivia Ramos is the CEO of Deepblocks, an AI-powered software that automates the process of site selection for developers and investors. 

If you’d like to hear more about zoning, follow Deepblocks on LinkedIn to stay updated whenever we release a new article.

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Author Olivia Ramos
Founder and CEO of Deepblocks, holds master's degrees in Architecture from Columbia University and Real Estate Development from the University of Miami. Her achievements before Deepblocks include designing Big Data navigation software for the Department of Defense's DARPA Innovation House and graduating from Singularity University's Global Solutions and Accelerator programs.